Why doesn’t Forward Collision Mitigation work on my Mitsubishi Triton?
Hi John,
I originally purchased Toyotas which are very very good however I got mucked around when wanting to purchase two Hilux’s (if you get a better price come back) so went to Rangers which are also very good however, the poor local service and your recommendation steered me to purchasing my first Mitsubishi.
I purchased a new Mitsubishi Triton GLS Premium (to drive myself) in January 2020 based on the advice you gave relating to dual cab utes, and I note you have since purchased one ( GSR I believe?) yourself so you have put your money where your mouth is.
I love the ute, absolutely love it, and use it in my business which services the Bowen basin mines and averages 700-750kms/week and have recommended the vehicle to many except be aware of a possible problem.
“The problem” is that the Forward Collision Mitigation (FCM) does not and never has functioned/operated, except when stationary in the Mitsubishi dealership with a diagnostic machine confirming that it is working “while stationary”.
To prove that the FCM does not operate I have taken two (2) Mitsubishi employees (One a Manager) and both Mitsubishi employees have stated to me that “THE FCM DOES NOT WORK”.
I purchased the vehicle from a Brisbane Mitsubishi dealer and have had the local Mitsubishi dealership attempt to rectify the issue several times, once at the behest of Mitsubishi Australia (MA) due to my badgering MA however without success, except “when stationary”.
The service and professionalism of the local dealership has been first class and I have no issue at all with the dealership.
The dealership did state to me that they require an engineer to come from Victoria/NSW to review the matter however due to COVID-19 that was not an option, at least it wasn’t last year.
I note that the dealership has been very professional (protective of MA) and their loyalty is admirable however, I can sense that they have empathy regards my plight however they play the company (MA) line.
My dissatisfaction is focused on MA who have not acted (in my opinion) to support me in this matter and who are cognisant of the fact that the safety feature operates while stationary but not in operation, which is when I would prefer it to function as advertised by MA.
I have sent many emails, filled out many surveys, crossed out the service reports line which states the FCM is working and written that it is not working and spoken by phone to several persons at MA (not receptionists) informing them that the factory installed safety equipment in my car is inoperable and does not function at all ( except when stationary).
Ridiculous as this may sound, I intend to purchase another GLS Triton (Will ensure FCM operates before handing over $1) as my business is growing and I will contact your site for pricing.
I would welcome and appreciate your advice and feedback as to what additional options are available to me in addressing this matter.
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Thank you. Like many people, however, you are completely wrong about the virtue of being ‘unprejudiced’ - which is always in fact a bad thing. I’m very prejudiced - and that’s a good thing. What matters about prejudice is what’s informing the prejudice. I’m prejudiced against brands selling substandard products and/or offering substandard support. It would be absurd to be unprejudiced in this respect.
Most people don’t get that, and in fact most reviews are unprejudiced about this because the authors and the publications operate in a system full of bad incentives, where prejudice of this nature is not tolerated.
Send me the VIN code, rego number and name of dealer - I’ll approach a senior executive at Mitsubishi Motors Australia Ltd, for you. That’s all I need - please don’t write me another essay, as it won’t help them get to the bottom of it.
If it’s any consolation the FCW on my Triton GSR alerts me all the time to vehicles it thinks I am about to crash into (usually parked at the side of the road on RH curves). I’ve never been even remotely close to crashing into any of them. It’s one of the vehicle’s worst operating characteristics. FYI.
Hope this helps,
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